
In Progress: Map of Maryland and Delaware 68.820

Laid paper on a cardboard backing; black printing ink; watercolor in red, blue, green, tan.

Published in 1795, 18.375"x15.1875"

Condition: Paper and backing discolored, brittle; water damage in UR and UL corners accompanied by a powdery deposit; foxing; small holes along left margin from previous binding; possible silverfish damage; mild surface dirt, small dent in UL corner; watercolor faded; red is lead-based and showing cracking.


Dry cleaning
Soak backing in distilled water & remove mechanically
Blotter wash in distilled water w/ a reservoir
Blotter wash w/ 1.5% peroxide
Backing - Very Acidic

Backing Removal...

Backing Removed, Pre-Washing
Blotter Washing

Dirt Pouring Out

Dirty Water, Round 2 

Post-Washing, Verso

Post-Washing, Recto

Solubility testing of pigments

In Progress: Map of Novi Belgii 2011.65ab

Before Treatment
Laid paper on a cardboard backing; black printing ink; watercolor in red, pink, green.


Condition: Backing board distorted; paper mottled; foxing mostly in center; mold; dirt/grime around edges; loss of printing ink from around edges from handling; colors faded

Vacuum mold
Mechanical cleaning
Solubility testing - pink & red water soluble

Before Treatment Detail - beautiful engraving
Before Treatment Detail - see the mold?


... No Mold!

In Progress: Map of Virginia, Marylandia, Carolina 2011.64ab

Before Treatment

Laid paper on a cardboard backing; black printing ink; watercolor in red, green, tan.

Published circa 1750, 25"x20.879"

Condition: Discolored paper; tidelines; large scattered foxing; originally folded; tears and losses along folds; creases along folds; dirt/grime along bottom edge; tide lines along bottom edge; mold stains; color faded; copper green oxidized in places; writing in pencil in some areas


Solubility testing
Mechanical cleaning
Wet & remove backing

Before Treatment Detail

Solubility Testing
Backing Removal

In Progress: Map of Maryland 2011.58ab

Before Treatment

Laid paper on a cardboard backing; black printing ink; iron-based writing ink


Condition: originally folded (over a board?) probably in order to fit in a frame; guard strip down center; loss in LR and UR corner; tears along bottom edge & UR edge; fragile along creases; paper discolored unevenly, probably from acidic matting; non-iron foxing across face; thumbprint in bottom center; insect damage in UR edge & LL side; iron-based ink on verso beginning to burn through paper


Relax folds
Surface cleaning
Water solubility testing
Bath - suspended in DI water between polyester
Folds Relaxed

Before Treatment - Iron Ink